About Dr. Judd Wattenbarger , DC.

“People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care.”

–Theodore Roosevelt

Dr. Judd Wattenbarger , DC.	 profile picture

Qualifications & Accreditations

Dr. Judd’s journey began in the breathtaking ski resort town of northern Arizona, where the thrill of outdoor adventure became a way of life. After earning his degree in Exercise Science from Arizona State University in 1999, he pursued his passion for healing at Palmer College of Chiropractic, where he graduated in 2005. Since then, he’s brought his dynamic approach to health and wellness to private practices in Colorado and Alaska.

When he’s not in the office, Dr. Judd is out chasing thrills on the slopes or tackling rugged mountain trails on his bike. A true multi-talent, he also plays drums in his band, adding rhythm to his already vibrant life.

As a father of four, he’s always outdoors with his kids, whether it’s summer hikes or winter snow adventures. Dr. Judd lives by the same advice he gives his patients: stay active, embrace life, and keep moving forward!

How It All Started, In The Beginning...

The pain was unbearable. Searing, pulsing, blinding. It consumed my every waking moment, and even sleep offered no refuge.

For years, I battled debilitating migraine headaches three to four days a week, each one a brutal assault on my body and mind.I tried everything—every pill, every therapy, every desperate prayer. Nothing worked. And then, a doctor looked me in the eye and told me, with a callous shrug, that my pain would disappear when the stress in my life did—in about 25 years.

25 years. The words echoed in my head, a mocking soundtrack to my misery. I couldn't imagine enduring this agony for another day, let alone decades. I was at my breaking point, ready to give up hope.But then, a glimmer of light in the darkness: chiropractic care. It was a path I hadn't considered, a promise of relief that seemed too good to be true.

But I was desperate, and so I took a leap of faith.

And it changed everything.With each adjustment, each lesson in nutrition and self-care, the vise grip of pain began to loosen. The migraines became less frequent, and less intense, until one day, I realized I couldn't remember my last one.It was a revelation, a profound shift in my understanding of what was possible. I knew, at that moment, that I had found my calling. I had to become a chiropractor, to offer others the same hope and healing I had experienced.

But my journey was far from over.

As I delved deeper into the world of chiropractic, I encountered stories of suffering that echoed my own. 

Like the gentleman who came in unable to walk due to severe neuropathy, terrified of facing the same fate as his mother, who had undergone an amputation that ultimately shortened her life. After working together, he regained sensation in his feet, and his falls and stumbles stopped much sooner than I expected. He was overjoyed, and so was I.

Or the mother of three, so badly injured in a car accident that she couldn't care for her kids or even sleep at night, putting a tremendous burden on her family. But with chiropractic care, she was able to turn her head, drive, grocery shop, and even pick up her youngest child again. She got her life back.

Even my own mother, at 80 years old, struggling with her shoulder and afraid of losing her independence, found relief through our work together. By improving her mobility, I was able to give her the freedom she so desperately wanted.

And I think of my good friend, a military veteran with severe plantar fasciitis, who was missing out on hikes with his new wife and kids, unable to keep up. But after we treated his condition, he was back on the trails, keeping pace with his family and working longer hours on his feet, accomplishing things he hadn't been able to do in years.

These were the people I had become a chiropractor to help. And help them I did. Through adjustments and unwavering support, I watched as they reclaimed their lives, step by painful step. The gentleman, walked tall and proud.

The mother, cradling her laughing child.

My mother, reaching for her dreams at 80 years young.

Each victory was hard-won, each milestone a testament to the incredible resilience of the human body and spirit. And each one reinforced my determination to spread the word, to let people know that they didn't have to suffer, that there was another way.

Because I know the depths of that suffering. I know the despair of feeling trapped in a broken body, of watching your life slip away in a haze of pain. And I know the incredible, transformative power of chiropractic to change all of that.

So if you're reading this, if you're in pain, if you're afraid, if you've lost hope—I want you to know that I understand. I've been where you are, and I promise you, there is a way out.It won't be easy.

The path to healing is rarely a straight line. But with chiropractic care, with nutrition, with self-care and support, you can reclaim your life. You can find joy again, and purpose, and hope.

Let me help you take that first step. Let me show you the way forward, as so many have shown me. Because you deserve a life free from pain. You deserve to be whole again.

And together, we can make that happen. One adjustment, one day, one victory at a time.

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